Saturday, October 20, 2012

Berlin in November

Bad Apples will be featured in the Icelandic Focus- Bright Prospects Program at the 28th Interfilm Short Film Festival in Berlin. The festival takes place from the 13.-18.of November.

For more info about the Icelandic Focus- Bright Prospects Program and screening dates follow this link:[prog]=1271

Saturday, July 21, 2012


Stuttmyndin Kennitölur verður sýnd á RÚV næsta mánudag, þ.e. 23.júlí, klukkan 23:20 í Kviksjá. 
 Ekki missa af því.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Glasgow Short Film Festival

We are very happy to be a part of the Iceland Focus program at this years Glasgow Short Film Festival wich takes place between the 9nth and 12th of february.

More info about the festival can be found at:

The Offical Glasgow Short Film Festival Trailer